Friday, August 17, 2012

Can You Use a Cell Phone As a Self Defense Product?

Picture this: using your cell phone for self defense! What I visualize is using it to call 911, trying to beat person over the head or throwing it at an assailant. Not a very good self defense weapon! In real life a list of self defense products would consist of items that look like cell phones but that could play a role in defending yourself like a cell phone disguised as a stun gun.

A cell phone stun gun gives you an edge commonly reserved to the assailant-that of surprise. Assailants use surprise to their advantage all the time to get the upper hand. Not one in a hundred habitancy would recognize or speculate you are carrying a non lethal weapon when you have a cell phone stun gun or a camera cell phone stun gun.


Just dream the bad guy has you in a choke hold. You reach into your purse or pocket, grab your stun weapon, apply it to his rib cage and press the trigger. In three to five seconds the 950,000 volts immobilizes him by forcing his muscles to work so fast he has no vigor left.

The faultless process takes only a few seconds. It can immobilize a person for up to 5-10 minutes. The results of being zapped with a stun gun are comparable to running a 40km marathon; the attacker just does not have any vigor left.

It also interrupts the wee neurological stimulus that controls muscle movement. The results are disorientation and loss of balance. It is for this speculate that this stun expedient gives you fullness of time to get away.

Just the sight of a stun gun is often adequate to cause a would-be attacker to back off. Stun guns come in many sizes and with separate voltages. Take some time to learn about stun guns - how they work and how they should be used.

Chances are if you are reading this that crime has touched your life in some way or you think yourself at risk. Take the next step and do something to protect yourself! Your life and security is worth far more than the cost of a stun gun or pepper spray.

If you are in the market for a self defense product look for quality, effectiveness, and a biggie-Legality. Stun guns, tasers and pepper sprays are not legal in some states. Check with your local police division first before you get one.

Can You Use a Cell Phone As a Self Defense Product?

My Links : Picking Safety Products wifi hd blu ray player

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